Monday, October 27, 2014

Email received August 4, 2014


So this week my companion got an ear infection. It was NASTY. hahah. poor guy. So we had an OK week. We didn’t get as many invites to learn as we would have liked but we still had a good week. We taught a guy named Ian on Friday. He’s 20 years old and he’s pretty cool. It was one of those lessons where I just really don’t know how well it went. haha. There were times where I could see in his face that he was feeling the Spirit, and then there were times where his countenance would change. We kept asking if he had any questions but he didn’t really open up. Makes me sad. I really hope that we will be able to meet with him again. :-)

Since we have decided to be more motivated and diligent, we have already seen tons of blessings even though we still have a lot to improve on to get to the point we want to be at. Not much has come from all of our tracting, but as we’ve been trying to invite we have gotten 2 media referrals, a nonmember has agreed to come to dinner at a members house and start the discussions (hopefully Wednesday of next week), and we have had a LA member come to church 2 weeks in a row and bring his nonmember wife. I’m glad that we finally have some names to work with and I know that it is a result of our change. :-)

So, we had a very interesting experience happen this week. A lot of it is very personal to the person involved so I won’t explain the situation in much detail. So on Saturday night my companion wasn’t feeling good at all. He fell asleep just after 9 pm. Our fridge had a funky smell coming from it and had some pretty old stuff in there. haha! So for some odd reason I decided to clean it then instead of waiting til the next day. As I started doing it i was wondering why on earth I was doing it then but I continued to do it. Anyway, I threw out all the old stuff and couldn’t just let it sit in the trash all night and stink up the whole place, so I woke up my companion so we could go out to the dumpster. He kind of gave me a look so as to say "Why right now?" haha. Can’t blame him. So we get back from the dumpster and my comp randomly asks if I want a haircut. And I say yes. He then gives me a haircut. While cutting my hair we both were thinking, why on earth are we doing this right now? haha. By the time the haircut is done and I get out of the shower its about 11 at night and my companion and I are both wide awake.

We get a phone call from someone we know who lives in our apartment complex. They had just gone through something horrible and needed our help. The door to the apartment was unlocked but it was stuck on something and wouldn’t [open]. We ended up going over and busting the door open for her (by "we" I mean my huge Samoan companion). She was in a spot where she needed someone and we were the only ones she knew. It was amazing to see how we randomly thought it was necessary (even though it made no sense) to clean the fridge and get a haircut so that we could be awake when she needed us. Anyway, here is what I learned from the situation after she vented to us and told us all the horrible things that she just went through:

I’m sure lots of you have been in the situation where someone needs you, they tell you what’s wrong and are completely distraught. You sit and listen and wonder what on earth you can say to make it better. But there’s nothing you can say. You literally feel useless. You want nothing more than to help them but what can you do? I’m just a kid. I’m barely starting my life. I still have acne for goodness sakes! As this person was venting to us I kept getting upset and wondering to myself why is her life so hard? Why is mine so easy? That’s all I could think of. Well, I don’t know the answer to that. Life is just not fair. If you think about it, the Savior lived the most perfect life right? We hear and say that all the time. He probably lived the most rewarding life as well. Well, he also lived the most unfair life. I don’t know why she has had so many huge challenges in her life, but what I do know is that if she turns toward the savior and the gospel-- the answer to all of the world’s problems-- then no matter how unfair her life is, in the end it will be rewarding. Everything that seems unfair will be made right through the Atonement if we use it and live the gospel. I hope that we can all be able to pay attention to promptings in the future so that we can be there for people when they need us. I’m grateful for all the people who have been there for me when I needed someone. I’ll forever love them for that. I love you all! Have a great week! :-)

Elder Steed

 Saying goodbye to the mini van. ZL's needed to switch cars with us :/
Weekly Planning. haha.

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