Not too much to report on this week sadly :( First off, congrats to Eric for serving a full-time mission! It's nuts how fast that went! So here's what happened this week:
Yesterday there was a farewell for a missionary leaving this Wednesday for Peru! His talk was awesome! He also had an open house last night that tons of people went to. It was pretty weird to see all of that go down while being on the other side of it. Seems like just yesterday I gave my farewell and had missionaries at my open house. Oh how time flies. Anyways, he will be a great missionary. Such a stud. A lot of this week was just trying to find people. We didn't get as many invites as we would like due to some days where we were feeling pretty sick. We met a guy who let us in and gave us some water thankfully. Except that he ripped us apart for the next 30 minutes. haha. I hate those situations. You want to answer the questions they ask you but there really is no point. Don’t cast your pearls before swines right? haha. But seriously, all it would do would lead to contention. Literally anyone could have a religious "debate" for hours and not accomplish anything. Anyone can make themselves seem right no matter what their views are. That's why it's so important to learn truth through the Spirit, rather than cunning words of man. Anyways, we finally ran into Anthony! We were just on the computers doing our weekly family search time and he walked by and said hi to us. He said that he and Lexie have been working crazy hours but that he definitely wants to meet up soon. So that was a cool little miracle we had this week. :-)
Well, today is the start of my 8th transfer! I'm staying here in the Woodlands and so is my companion. For the first time since being with Elder Hillebrant, I will stay with a companion for more than 6 weeks. haha. I'm really short on time, sorry that this is such a lame letter. I love you all and hope that you have a great week! :)
Elder Steed
Playing pool in the apartment office waiting for the dang kids to get off so we can email home!
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