Monday, June 30, 2014

Email received June 30, 2014

Hey Guys!

Soooo, our new mission president, President Mortensen is flying in to Houston within the next couple of hours. Crazy stuff. The Pingrees will definitely be missed. On Thursday we had Specialized Training in the temple at 6:30 AM! Had to get up at 4 AM and of course, we stayed up late. haha. Still trying to catch up. Anyway, the training was awesome. The temple president and his wife were there also. It was a really cool experience. Also very sad because it was final goodbye to President and Sister Pingree. Last night Elder Fa'amausili and I left a voice mail on president's phone. We sang God Be With You Till We Meet Again.

Well this week was a little better than last week. We were able to meet with Anthony! It went really well. We watched the Restoration DVD and afterwards asked him if he believed that the church and gospel was Restored. I was a little worried about the answer to be honest haha. There was some silence and he said, “yeah, absolutely”. haha I love when those surprises happen. Lexie, his fiance, a recently re-activated member, bore her testimony and it was super powerful. Both are very awesome people. Currently there are some obstacles in the way for him to be baptized. Mostly all caused by the agency of others. We are encouraging him to stay strong and keeping improving his faith and testimony as he waits for the obstacles to resolve. He's awesome.

We're having a really hard time getting into contact with the other investigators, but we'll keep trying. This week at church we had a combined third hour in 2nd ward. It was centered on missionary work. They asked both a young man and young woman who are soon leaving for their missions to bear their testimonies on missionary work. They were both awesome and brought the spirit really strong. Then the sisters talked for a few minutes and challenged the members to do something called the “21 day promise” maybe you can google it. idk. Too lazy to explain it all (sorry) haha. Then we talked for a few minutes on the subject of “Hastening the Work.” We talked about what that means and how the Lord is hastening His work. Then we gave some suggestions of what they could do so that they can be part of that work and not just spectators. We read D&C section 4 and talked about the last verse, which says “ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you”. We need to make sure that we are constantly asking for missionary opportunities and not just expecting them to come without asking. We then shared D&C 84:85 and D&C 68:4. We don't need to think/rehearse some elaborate sermon in order to share the gospel. We just need to ask for opportunities, recognize them when they come, and be living our lives in a manner that the Spirit can be present to tell us the words we should speak.

It was a really spiritual meeting and the members loved it. We got a referral from one of them and several others said they felt really encouraged and inspired by it. Honestly, there are areas where the missionaries can find lots of prepared people. But what I personally think “Hastening the work” means is that members need to play a bigger role. Missionaries can talk to everyone they see and knock on all the doors we can, but we need all the help we can. The stake presidents were asked to tell us to have a member with us in our lessons at least 60% of the time. I truly believe that's how the work will hasten: by the members. Either way the Lord's work will hasten with or without us (individuals). The real question is, will we be a part of it? I hope you all have a great week. I love you all!

Elder Steed

On the way back from our 6:30 AM temple training.


We made chicken fajitas! Heck ya.


 Came across a half-cop half-taxi cop car! DWI Taxi hahaha.

Drink. Drive. Go to Jail.

Email received June 23, 2014

Hello all,

Well, this week in all honesty, was one of the SLOWEST weeks of my whole mission. haha. Pretty much nothing happened. However, it was also one of the fastest weeks because my new comp is the best! Guess what! I got another Polynesian companion! I must have some sort of Poly magnet or something.. I'm not complaining though. His name is Elder (good luck with this one) Fa'amausili. It's pronounced Fa-Ah-Ma-Oo-see-lee. He's 24, Samoan, and from New Zealand. He has an awesome "kiwi" accent. He's also a straight up comedian! Complete with amazingly accurate impersonations of pretty much everyone. haha.

All our appointments fell through. We did church tours a lot this week but no one was interested. Church was pretty good yesterday. I got to sing in the Woodlands 1st ward. It was a good experience. My companion and I are gonna work on doing some duets and such. He's got a really good voice. Elder Valdez went home on Wednesday. So depressing. haha. I sure will miss him. Hmmmm... Sorry this is such a lame letter, but there really is nothing else to write about. haha. This area is pretty much completely reliant on the help of the members. Unfortunately a lot of people here in the summer go out of town. Cuz it's just too stinking hot. haha. Anyway, hopefully there will be more to report on next week, until then know that I love you all and hope that you have a great week!

Elder Steed

Elder Torres went home :/

Goodbye to Elder Neville.

 My new companion. haha! Elder Fa'amausili


Email received June 16, 2014

Hello everyone!

This week was pretty good. So last night we got transfer calls. Elder Neville is being transferred and I'll be getting my new companion tomorrow morning. We are all speculating that President Pingree is putting all the Zone Leaders back together this transfer for President Mortensen, who will arrive here in Houston on the 30th. Crazy stuff. :)

On Wednesday this week we had dinner at the Liu's (a Chinese family that was baptized 3 years ago) with President and sister Pingree and the sister missionaries. Brother Liu was president Pingree's first baptismal interview and confirmation as a mission president, so they've developed a good friendship over the years. Sister Liu made some amazing Chinese food. So incredibly good. She made the best shrimp I've ever had. On Thursday we had dinner at another recent convert's home. She was baptized in May. She's awesome. Her husband is not a member and is a really great guy. The highlight of the day was that he made us seafood paella. Oh my goodness. I've never been so scared in my life. It was loaded with shrimp, mussels, clams, and idk what. It actually was pretty good. Way too much work to put in for a meal though. I was sick of opening shells and tearing legs off. haha. :)

On Friday we had Specialized Training. It was all about the Restoration. It was awesome. President Pingree basically planned the training around the Talk entitled "What is the Blueprint of Christ's Church" by Elder Tad R. Callister. Coolest talk ever. Listen/watch it! Anyway, President talked about what needs to happen in order for someone to gain a testimony of the Restoration: They need to 1) understand the pattern of Apostasy & Restoration that has happened repeatedly throughout time. 2) Read & pray about the Book of Mormon 3) Have the Spirit testify to them. He went through a pretty lengthy list of scriptures that prophesied of Apostasy and then scriptures that contained corresponding evidence to those prophecies. Most of the scriptures with the evidence, or fulfilling of the prophecies of apostasy, were from the different epistles in the New Testament. Apostasy was happening even during the life of the Apostles, the epistles were written BECAUSE of apostasy. The Bible is in itself a testimony of apostasy. It testifies of it, not only in the day of the apostles, but also of apostasy to come in the future. Pretty cool stuff. There was a sister missionary who asked the question what we should do when people we teach get caught up in anti-mormon material. We had a very long discussion and President then shared D&C 29:7: "And ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect; for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts.” As missionaries we are here to gather the elect, not everyone. Only those who hear his voice and harden not their hearts.

To go along with that I have a cool journal entry that I came across the other day that you all might like. Here it is:

January 25, 2014

"Today we went tracting in an area that Elder Bergman felt impressed to go to. We ended up knocking on the door of some crazy old man with a ginormous, cigarette-stained white beard. He then went on and on talking crap about Joseph Smith. He was in my face and staring into my eyes the whole time. I could do nothing but stare back and smile at him. We just testified of the savior and he softened up a little bit. He has had what sounded like many missionaries placed in his path. He has had plenty opportunities and if he never takes them he won't have much of a case to plead. Joseph Smith was a prophet. He saw God the Father and Jesus Christ. He was given the priesthood and this IS Christ's church. It is led and directed by Jesus Christ Himself, through His prophet, Thomas S. Monson, and His apostles. I have this priesthood and I am here to share this gospel, the true gospel of Jesus Christ, with those that are willing to hear."

Happy Father's Day Dad! Hope it was a good one. I had to give the thought at Autumn Leaves yesterday and it was focused on Father's. Here's kind of the gist of it. It started off by a discussion of what our father's mean to us and what role they've played. After a while we came to the conclusion that ultimately what a father does is provide. Whether it be financially, educationally, spiritually, or emotionally. The father's role is to provide for his children. Not everyone has a father on earth who does that. Not everyone has that role model that they deserve, and NONE of us have father's who are perfect. But all of us do have a perfect Heavenly Father who not only loves us perfectly, but has PROVIDED for us perfectly.

John 3: 16-17

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Our Father in Heaven has provided a way for us to return to live with Him again. He loves us more than we can comprehend, and will always provide a way for us to do the things He commands us to do. Dad, I'm thankful that I have BOTH a loving father on earth and in heaven who have provided for me. Thanks for all that you have done for me and our family. A couple of things that I really admire and appreciate about you: 1) You have ALWAYS provided for us financially. You leave home early, come home late, and go to bed early to get ready to do it all over again. You've been doing that our whole lives and not once have I ever heard you complain. 2) You've always been very patient with us, but not too patient. You're a great father and I love you!

Have a great week! Sorry this was so long. I also have a TON of pictures from this week and the week before. Love you all!

Elder Steed

 At the Liu's!

Waiting for yummy chinese food!

 Downtown The Woodlands, TX (next several pictures)

 We ran over a snake! haha warning! next photo is graphic!

 It kinda... puked up it's insides..

 This is a roadrunner. blurry. It had a fish in it's mouth. it runs soooo fast.

 Sister Powell and Elder Roberts at Specialized training. We came out together.

 random huge storm. Picture doesn't do it justice.

 We were doing church tours and watched a ladies dog as the sisters gave her a tour.


 Don't leave your camera around..

 Dinner at the Ayre's. Amazing steak!

 Brother Shumway, Ward Mission Leader in Woodlands 1st ward.

 Woodlands 1st ward mission!