Hello all,
Well, this week in all honesty, was one of the SLOWEST weeks
of my whole mission. haha. Pretty much nothing happened. However, it was also
one of the fastest weeks because my new comp is the best! Guess what! I got
another Polynesian companion! I must have some sort of Poly magnet or
something.. I'm not complaining though. His name is Elder (good luck with this
one) Fa'amausili. It's pronounced Fa-Ah-Ma-Oo-see-lee. He's 24, Samoan, and
from New Zealand. He has an awesome "kiwi" accent. He's also a
straight up comedian! Complete with amazingly accurate impersonations of pretty
much everyone. haha.
All our appointments fell through. We did church tours a lot
this week but no one was interested. Church was pretty good yesterday. I got to
sing in the Woodlands 1st ward. It was a good experience. My companion and I
are gonna work on doing some duets and such. He's got a really good voice.
Elder Valdez went home on Wednesday. So depressing. haha. I sure will miss him.
Hmmmm... Sorry this is such a lame letter, but there really is nothing else to
write about. haha. This area is pretty much completely reliant on the help of
the members. Unfortunately a lot of people here in the summer go out of town.
Cuz it's just too stinking hot. haha. Anyway, hopefully there will be more to
report on next week, until then know that I love you all and hope that you have
a great week!
Elder Steed
Elder Torres went home :/
Goodbye to Elder Neville.
My new companion. haha! Elder Fa'amausili
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