Hey Guys!
Soooo, our new mission president, President Mortensen is
flying in to Houston within the next couple of hours. Crazy stuff. The Pingrees
will definitely be missed. On Thursday we had Specialized Training in the
temple at 6:30 AM! Had to get up at 4 AM and of course, we stayed up late.
haha. Still trying to catch up. Anyway, the training was awesome. The temple
president and his wife were there also. It was a really cool experience. Also
very sad because it was final goodbye to President and Sister Pingree. Last
night Elder Fa'amausili and I left a voice mail on president's phone. We sang
God Be With You Till We Meet Again.
Well this week was a little better than last week. We were
able to meet with Anthony! It went really well. We watched the Restoration DVD
and afterwards asked him if he believed that the church and gospel was
Restored. I was a little worried about the answer to be honest haha. There was
some silence and he said, “yeah, absolutely”. haha I love when those surprises
happen. Lexie, his fiance, a recently re-activated member, bore her testimony
and it was super powerful. Both are very awesome people. Currently there are
some obstacles in the way for him to be baptized. Mostly all caused by the
agency of others. We are encouraging him to stay strong and keeping improving
his faith and testimony as he waits for the obstacles to resolve. He's awesome.
We're having a really hard time getting into contact with
the other investigators, but we'll keep trying. This week at church we had a
combined third hour in 2nd ward. It was centered on missionary work. They asked
both a young man and young woman who are soon leaving for their missions to
bear their testimonies on missionary work. They were both awesome and brought
the spirit really strong. Then the sisters talked for a few minutes and
challenged the members to do something called the “21 day promise” maybe you
can google it. idk. Too lazy to explain it all (sorry) haha. Then we talked for
a few minutes on the subject of “Hastening the Work.” We talked about what that
means and how the Lord is hastening His work. Then we gave some suggestions of
what they could do so that they can be part of that work and not just
spectators. We read D&C section 4 and talked about the last verse, which
says “ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you”. We need
to make sure that we are constantly asking for missionary opportunities and not
just expecting them to come without asking. We then shared D&C 84:85 and
D&C 68:4. We don't need to think/rehearse some elaborate sermon in order to
share the gospel. We just need to ask for opportunities, recognize them when
they come, and be living our lives in a manner that the Spirit can be present
to tell us the words we should speak.
It was a really spiritual meeting and the members loved it.
We got a referral from one of them and several others said they felt really
encouraged and inspired by it. Honestly, there are areas where the missionaries
can find lots of prepared people. But what I personally think “Hastening the
work” means is that members need to play a bigger role. Missionaries can talk
to everyone they see and knock on all the doors we can, but we need all the
help we can. The stake presidents were asked to tell us to have a member with
us in our lessons at least 60% of the time. I truly believe that's how the work
will hasten: by the members. Either way the Lord's work will hasten with or
without us (individuals). The real question is, will we be a part of it? I hope
you all have a great week. I love you all!
Elder Steed
On the way back from our 6:30 AM temple training.
We made chicken fajitas! Heck ya.
Came across a half-cop half-taxi cop car! DWI Taxi hahaha.
Drink. Drive. Go to Jail.