Hello family,
So guess what I had the privilege of doing today?? I got to teach seminary haha. We had to wake up at 4:40 to get ready to go to the church. There class is from 5:40 to 6:20 and we taught about 2 Nephi 26. It was alright. I just don't know how you do this everyday, dad. I mean it's hard enough to get up everyday to go but it's a whole different thing to get up to go and to teach to these kids. Man, it's like talking to a brick wall. haha that's alright though. It was an interesting experience.. haha. Hopefully it's not an indication for the future...
So this week was pretty good. On Wednesday we had exchanges. There are only 2 english elders in our zone because our area is so densely hispanic. So I got to go our with Elder Valdez and listen to people speak Spanish all day and try to guess what they were saying haha. Sometimes I actually knew what they were talking about so that was pretty cool. Ensenamos un mensaje sobre la restaruacion del evangelio de Jesucristo. I got to say that a lot on Wednesday haha. So other than that we had some pretty cool lessons this week. One was with Laura, I think I have written about her before. She is awesome and the lessons we have with her are really powerful. We watched the 20 min Restoration DVD and the Spirit was really strong. She said that she feels like she is in the situation of Joseph Smith and that she needs to find out. We got a soft commitment from her (she will be baptized if she comes to know these things are true). We are meeting with her again this Thursday! I'm excited! We had a lesson with Gilbert this week (recent convert). We set a time for him to go to the temple to do baptisms and he is really excited about that. We also talked to him about getting the priesthood and that he could baptize his kids when they get old enough. He was really excited about that. He was able to get the Aaronic priesthood yesterday. It was really cool to be there for that. We had a lesson with a man named John. We taught him the Restoration and it went really well. Hopefully we can meet with him again soon. Last week I wrote about Carlos. We are still meeting with him and are trying to work around that road block. We are planning to have a lesson with him where the bishop can be the member present. We figure that's something that he could better address than us haha.
Thanks for the quote from President Eyring! It's a good one! I hope that you all have a fantastic week. I will be thinking of you everyday. Love you!
Elder Steed

1. Bro Elders
2. Crazy drunk guy that we talked to. He said we can visit him, although he probably won't remember us haha.
3. A drawing that a LA girl drew for me!
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