Sunday, December 8, 2013

Email received December 2, 2013

Hello Family,
This week was pretty interesting. Unfortunately we weren't able to have our lesson with Laura this week :( but we have one scheduled with her tomorrow! Some sisters in our zone gave us a referral for this lady that they had pretty much already taught everything to. She is very interested but wants her family to be interested in it as well. So we went over there and taught her whole family! We weren't sure what they had been taught so we just watched the Restoration DVD and answered questions. It was awesome. That was pretty cool. 3 new 'gators! We were able to finally meet with Michael again. Maybe you still remember who that is or maybe not. He is like the biggest homie ever. He's this huge, buff black guy that is just the coolest guy ever. We met with him twice this week. we read the book of mormon with him and got him interested in it again. Later on in the week we watched the Restoration DVD with him and were able to clearly explain the Restoration and Priesthood authority. It's actually a hard thing to get people to understand the claim we are making that this is the one true church. We committed him to come to church but he didnt come :( its frustrating. haha. Well, as far as appointments go, that's all we had. All the other ones fell through. It was pretty discouraging. We did have a couple of miracles happen this week though.
So here's one miracle that happened this week. We decided to go street contacting on a street where there is usually a lot of people. Before we got out of the car, we prayed that the Lord would place someone in our path that is prepared to hear our message. Well, we walked around for about an hour and a half and talked to everyone that we saw. It was pretty much the worst street contacting session that I've had. People were really rude and it was just not fun at all. Well we were on our way back to our car and we were passing by an apartment complex. We were almost back to our car when we heard "Hey Mormons!" and it was some lady sitting on the balcony of her apartment. We walked around so that we could go inside the complex so that we could find her. We asked how she knew who we were and she said that her an used to go to a mormon church and that she used to go with her (she was about 8 at the time). Turns out she went to the same building and the same ward that I am currently serving in like 25 years ago. We asked if we could come teach her family and she said yes. We got her number and we have her address so we will try to contact her this week. It was truly a miracle. We prayed that we could contact someone who the Lord put in our path but someone contact us! It was awesome! I know that it wasn't a coincidence that we walked by at that time.
Well there's a little update. The work is going well and we have some awesome investigators that we feel are prepared. Unfortunately, sometimes peoples agency gets in the way and they don't do the things that we've committed them to do. It can be really frustrating and discouraging at times, but I'm having a blast! I hope you all have a great week and I hope to hear from friends and family soon! Love you all!

Elder Steed 

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