Monday, December 22, 2014

Email received December 15, 2014

Hello Everyone,

We had a pretty good week this week! We had lots of appointments with potential investigators that all fell through. However, we were able to find some more potential investigators this week as well. So let me tell you about a guy named Jimmy. Jimmy was baptized in the 70's but fell away soon after. He loves missionaries and will do anything for us. He takes us shopping, he feeds us, he's the man. So missionaries go over there pretty often and check up on him and share some thoughts and all that good stuff. Well, he likes the church and will come every once in awhile but doesn't really have a testimony of it. This week while we were at his house we showed him the He is the Gift video. He loved it! We got to talking and he opened up quite a bit. He was telling us how his neighbor (who is a member in the ward) told him about his conversion story and how he came to know it was true. :)

Jimmy starting talking about how he doesn't think he can say that, and how he doesn't have an experience like that. Anyway, we decided that we are going to start going over the lessons with him. It was cool because it was totally his idea. We're really excited! To top it off, he came to church on Sunday! There are 2 conditions that have ALWAYS had to happen for him to come to church. 1. He has to convince his wife to come with him, he would never come alone and 2. If his daughter came to visit on Sunday which she almost always does, he stays home with her. Well, he couldn't get his wife to come and as he was walking to his truck his daughter pulled up. He still came! I was really proud of him.

Awhile back I wrote home about an inactive member that we tracted into. We went over this week and talked to her daughter, Tina, who isn't a member. Tina has had many discussions with missionaries in the past and knows a bunch. She likes us but there are some doctrinal things that she disagrees with. Anyway, we are going to start going over to her house and doing service for her. Hopefully we can get to talk more with her and answer some of her questions. :)

Yesterday the bishop's son gave his farewell talk and he had an open house that night that we were able to stop by for a few minutes. Took me back in time to my talk and open house (not that it seems very long ago) haha and it made me thankful for all my friends and family that I have for support. You guys are the best! Things are really picking up in this area. I know that if we do our best with what the Lord asks of us, blessings will always come. :)

Oh! We're also having a Christmas Mission Conference! No one really knows what's going to happen.. haha. It's this Friday at 9am and there is no end time. Intriguing. lol. Until next week! Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! You're the best momma ever!

Elder Steed

New companion, Elder Beck. In front of Jimmy's famous Tree of Life. haha. He takes one of these pics for every new companionship.

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