We had an interesting week this week. On Thursday we went over to visit a referral that we had gotten. He ended up just wanting to bash and just pulled out so much anti stuff. It was so lame. It was pretty ironic though because the first thing he said when we showed up was that he didn’t wanna bash or be rude. Which is EXACTLY what he did. haha. At the end he wouldn’t even shake our hands because we don’t believe in the same Jesus as him. It was fantastic. haha.
We taught Ayad the plan of salvation this week and it went well! In ward council yesterday the ward talked about what we could do for him. There were lots of members that introduced themselves to him and fellowshipped him at church yesterday. One even gave Ayad his bike to help him with transportation throughout the week! Alan hasn’t really responded to us as of late, which is sad. Hopefully we can get in touch with him this week.
On Wednesday we got to watch the “Meet the Mormons” movie. Wow! It was awesome! The church said that after testing the movie, 74% of watchers said they would refer a friend to watch it. It’s not threatening, it’s funny, and it’s spiritual! It’s definitely something that the church is hoping will help people understand who we are and why we live the way we do. But beware, any mothers with children on missions will most likely cry. So bring your tissues to the theater :) haha.
Well, there are the highlights of the week! Sorry for such a short letter, love you all!
-Elder Steed
Cool sunset and a mosque in our area.
Katy North District. Elders DeLuca, Steed, Bergman, Allen, Sapp and Sister Sapp.
My comp made me a cake for my yearmark!
1 year!
awesome sunset!