This week was really good! We have some awesome investigators! We had one who said he would give us his answer about being baptized this weekend on Sunday (yesterday). He came to us and said so I know you guys wanted an answer today and I started thinking oh great and getting all discouraged, but his face changed and he looked all happy and said he would like to and that he feels it's right. He said he's torn though because his mom is a devout catholic and is on her death bed. He said he doesn't want to break her heart especially given the present circumstances, but he doesn't want to do it without telling her. He asked if we could give him a priesthood blessing to give him the strength to tell her. We promised him that he would be blessed and that it is a trial of his faith. We also told him that God has promised that everyone will have a chance to receive the Restored Gospel and I think that really helped him. We gave him a blessing and he said he felt better. It actually has to be rescheduled to the weekend after this weekend because of the trunk or treat but we're all very excited.
Yesterday, we went to visit this lady that we had scheduled a lesson with. She wasn't there, but down the street there was this huge festival going on at some church so we decided to just walk by to see what was going on. We went over there and got welcomed by some awesome hispanic guy that just said walk around go into the temple (that's what they call their church) and to just take a tour. So we went into this temple, its called La Luz Del Mundo (The Light of the World). It was pretty big and it was really cool. It was beautiful and it was really nice but it didn't have the same Spirit that is present in our buildings. Anyway these 4 hispanics came up and basically started like doing missionary work with us. They taught us all about their doctrine. It was cool but they talked forever and we were there for like 3 hours... Anyway there church is very similar to ours. They believe in an apostasy and Restoration. They have a leader who they believe is an apostle. Anyway the difference is we have the priesthood and are the primitive church. They kept telling us that they are the primitive church. There leader claims to have an experience similar to Joseph Smith. Anyway I heard that there leader used to be LDS so it explains the similarities. The only difference is one is truly called of God (Joseph Smith) and one wasn't. We felt bad because it's so close to the truth but it's not. They kept testifying that they have prayed and have got an answer that it's the primitive church and that Joaquin Flores is an apostle. Since I can't use the internet, Dad could you research some more stuff about the LDM church and let me know? It was very interesting.
Friday night we were driving around with nothing to do. We drove by a house and I saw the Dodger game through the window. I said lets go tract that house! So we did and we got a potential out of it. haha. I also watched about 30 seconds of the Dodgers (luckily it was still while it was 0-0, I got to watch Uribe strike out) hahaha.
Most of what has happened this week I sent home in the letter. (sorry chels). The stuff above is what has happened since I sent the letter. I love you all and think of you often! Keep being awesome!
Elder Steed
(Added a couple minutes later: this is the temple we visited and people talked at us for like 3 hours haha (dad its the LLDM church, not LDM. we visited the LLDM temple in Houston)

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